Richard Jarvis, Hertsmere District Coordinator and Chairman of Hertsmere Borough Watch is currently visiting Sheltered Housing, over 50s Clubs, Drop in Centres, Housebound Residents or any Group that feels it would benefit from being shown two police DVDs regarding Distraction Burglaries, Rogue Traders ( 20 mins ) and Pickpockets ( 15 mins ) free of charge. (TV and DVD player can be provided)
The DVDs runs for a total of 35 minutes and demonstrates how easily people (especially the elderly or vulnerable) can be distracted or duped by unsavoury characters. Richard is willing to attend any meeting to show these very important short films and answer any questions people might have at the meeting.
Below is a clip of one of the DVDs that Richard shows.
Richard also provides a varied range of inexpensive security equipment to all Neighbourhood Watch Members on behalf of Hertsmere Borough Watch, for personal and home protection. Some of these products can be available on display for demonstration and purchase at crime prevention meetings, if requested.
Anyone interested in inviting Richard to their meeting or who has a group that would benefit from Richard's services, please contact him directly by telephone 07930 617111 or by email richard@hbwa.org.uk to arrange this.
Anyone interested in inviting Richard to their meeting or who has a group that would benefit from Richard's services, please contact him directly by telephone 07930 617111 or by email richard@hbwa.org.uk to arrange this.
Carrying out House Security checks for elderly, disabled and vulnerable Neighbourhood Watch members
If you have security issues in your home, a free security check can be carried out to see what security equipment would be recommended. This is a free service offered to Neighbourhood Watch Members.
Fitting security equipment for elderly, disabled and vulnerable residents
If you have bought our security equipment that requires fitting and are an elderly, disabled or vulnerable resident, you can arrange for free fitting. Richard will arrange to come and fit your equipment free of charge.
Fitting free temporary CCTV for local authorities
If you have a security concern and would like temporary CCTV put in place, this can be arranged free of charge. (local authorities only) Richard's CCTV has been set up to catch criminals in the past with a good success rate.
Erecting and removing Neighbourhood Watch signs
Richard also puts up Neighbourhood Watch signs where necessary and removes those that are no longer usable.
Carrying out referral visits from Police
Richard will carry out specific home visits as referred by Hertfordshire Constabulary.
If you have security issues in your home, a free security check can be carried out to see what security equipment would be recommended. This is a free service offered to Neighbourhood Watch Members.
Fitting security equipment for elderly, disabled and vulnerable residents
If you have bought our security equipment that requires fitting and are an elderly, disabled or vulnerable resident, you can arrange for free fitting. Richard will arrange to come and fit your equipment free of charge.
Fitting free temporary CCTV for local authorities
If you have a security concern and would like temporary CCTV put in place, this can be arranged free of charge. (local authorities only) Richard's CCTV has been set up to catch criminals in the past with a good success rate.
Erecting and removing Neighbourhood Watch signs
Richard also puts up Neighbourhood Watch signs where necessary and removes those that are no longer usable.
Carrying out referral visits from Police
Richard will carry out specific home visits as referred by Hertfordshire Constabulary.